2.5次元の誘惑 天使たちのステージ
Privacy Policy

Enacted: August 19, 2011
Revised Date: August 23, 2023
Effective Date: July 17, 2024


Aiming Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “we,” “us,” or “our”) adheres to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, including its subsequent amendments, hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”) as well as the guidelines of all ministries and government offices, and other related laws to ensure the appropriate handling of information concerning users. Except where otherwise specified, the definition of “personal information” and other terms in this Privacy Policy shall be in accordance with those in the Personal Information Protection Act, as well as related government ordinances, rules, and guidelines established by the government.

In cases where a user resides in the European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as “the EEA”), the privacy policy for EEA residents shall be applicable.
In cases where a user resides in the United States, the privacy policy for U.S. residents shall be applicable.

1. Concerning the Information We Collect

■Information Relating to Registering for Services

Upon registering for our services, users may be asked to provide the following information:
 (1) A name identifying the user (e.g., full name, user name, nickname, etc.)
 (2) Email address
 (3) Date of birth
 (4) Gender
 (5) Other information about the user that we specify
 (6) In the case of a minor (under 16 years of age), additional information regarding their legal representative (full name, date of birth, email address, phone number)

■Device Information

The following information may be collected when using our services and websites:
 (1) Cookies and other device identifiers
 (2) IP addresses
 (3) Device type and model
 (4) OS and version number
 (5) Other information that the user has agreed to provide

■Location Data

In order to provide services that require location information, we may collect location data from the user’s device.

■Payment Information

In order for users to purchase virtual currency or licenses to use virtual items offered via our services, we may collect the following billing and payment information provided to third-party payment service providers (including, but not limited to, Apple Inc. and Google LLC):
 (1) Purchase ID, purchase date, purchased product, or purchase history details such as amount spent
 (2) Postal/Zip code

■Information Related to Customer Support

We may collect and store the following information when providing customer support to users:
 (1) Contact information (typically, but not limited to, an email address)
 (2) Device model, OS information, information regarding the use of our services
 (3) User ID
 (4) Correspondence with support and any information contained therein

■Information Related to the Use of Our Services

When users use our services, we may collect and store the following information provided directly to us by them, as well as other data pertaining to how they use our services.
We may also record and store interactions between users on our services and any information contained therein.
 (1) Device identification data, operating system, hardware version, device setup, browser type and setup, and data regarding website and application usage
 (2) IP addresses, log data, usage time, cookies, and web beacons
 (3) Emails and text-based messages, gameplay content, support inquiry history, search terms entered by the user, chat history and other interactions between users, and performance data

■Information Regarding User Interests and Preferences

We may collect information regarding the interests and preferences of users as inferred from their browsing and purchase history.

■Information Gathered Using Cookies or Similar Means

When a user accesses our services or websites, we may use cookies or similar technologies to obtain data regarding their usage environment (browser, etc.), services, and website usage. We may also use similar technologies in some of our advertising systems.
We use the following access analysis tools on our services and websites. These analytics tools use cookies in order to collect data. The data is collected anonymously and cannot be used to identify individuals. It is possible for users to disable cookies and prevent these tools from collecting their data. Please check your browser settings for more details.

(1) Google Analytics

Google Analytics uses cookies and other means to collect user information. To learn more about how Google Analytics collects and utilizes information when users visit our websites, please visit the “How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services” page at (www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/).
For more information on the terms and conditions regarding Google Analytics, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google’s Privacy & Terms.


(2) Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on

Users can also disable Google Analytics via their browser’s add-on settings to stop the collection of their information due to our use of Google Analytics. To disable Google Analytics, download and install the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on from the Google Opt-out Add-on download page and change the add-on settings of your browser.
For the terms and conditions of the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on, please see “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on – Additional Terms of Service” and Google’s Web Store Terms of Service.


(3) Microsoft Clarity

For more information on Microsoft Clarity’s terms and conditions, please see the Microsoft Privacy Statement.

■Information Acquired by Linking to External Services

We may acquire the IDs of external services used by users and other information that users have authorized our partners to disclose to us as per the privacy settings of those external services.

2. Purpose of Use of Collected Information

  • We shall use the information we collect for the following purposes.
  •  (1) Providing our services
     (2) Billing and calculation of payments
     (3) Identity verification and authentication
     (4) Conducting surveys, sweepstakes, and campaigns
     (5) Marketing research, statistics, and analysis
     (6) Developing company services, websites, and content
     (7) Maintaining, troubleshooting, and improving the quality of our services, websites, and content
     (8) Sending users important notices, such as changes to our terms, conditions, or policies
     (9) Developing and delivering advertisements (including advertisements for products or services relating to user interests and preferences, which are based on analysis of collected information such as browsing and purchase history), and the confirmation of the results of such advertising
     (10) Providing technical support and responses to user inquiries
     (11) Preventing fraudulent or potentially illegal activity
     (12) Achieving other purposes as specified in notices, or disclosed in any of our services

  • In the event that information is to be used for other purposes, we shall obtain consent from the user, except in cases where the information usage case can be reasonably deemed to be the above-stated purposes. However, the above does not apply in the following cases:
  •  (1) When required by law
     (2) When there is a need to protect the life, well-being, or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual in question
     (3) When there is a special need to improve public well-being or promote healthy child development and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual in question
     (4) When there is a need to cooperate with a national government organ, local government, or person entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual in question is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions
     (5) When personal data is provided to an academic research institution or the equivalent, and they need to handle the personal data for academic research purposes (including cases in which a part of the purpose of handling the personal data is for academic research purposes, and excluding cases in which there is a risk of unjustly infringing on individual rights and interests)

    3. Safety Management of Collected Information

    We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leaking, loss, or damage of any personal information that we handle, and otherwise safely manage such information.

    4. Sharing and Providing Acquired Information to Third Parties

    (1) With the consent of users in regard to this Privacy Policy, we will provide users’ personal information to third parties for the following reasons, if any apply. We may also take statistics derived from personal information collected for the purpose of understanding trends in the use of our services, and share it in a format from which no specific individuals can be identified to third parties which include potential partners and advertisers.
     a. To provide personal information to our affiliates within a scope necessary to achieve the purposes stated in item 2 above
     b. To provide user device identifiers and information related to the use of services to marketing companies
     c. To provide personal information to third parties, such as partner companies and advertisers, for the purpose of presenting desirable products and services to users
     d. When it is necessary to provide users’ personal information to companies supporting our service’s advertisements, including partners using cookies and online tracking technologies to collect information, personalize and retarget advertisements, and measure advertising effectiveness, for the purpose of serving advertising on our services.

    (2) Other than the reasons stated in (1) above, we will not provide personal information to third parties without the user’s consent. However, we may provide personal information without consent in the following cases:
     a. When providing personal information to our subcontractors within the scope necessary for our business operations
     b. When providing personal data in the event of business succession due to a merger or similar
     c. When required by law
     d. When there is a need to protect the life, well-being, and/or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual in question
     e. When there is a special need to improve public well-being or promote healthy child development and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user in question
     f. When there is a need to cooperate with a national government organ, local government, or person entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual in question is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions
     g. When personal data is provided to a relevant third party who is an academic research institution or the equivalent, and they need to handle the personal data for academic research purposes (including cases in which a part of the purpose of handling the personal data is for academic research purposes, and excluding cases in which there is a risk of unjustly infringing on individual rights and interests)

    (3) We will provide users’ personal information to third parties located in the following foreign countries. At present, the country-specific information that should be used as a reference is as detailed below. Third parties located in foreign countries to which we provide personal information take measures to ensure the sufficient protection of personal information, including compliance with regulations concerning the protection of personal information within those countries.
     a. Name of country
      United States of America
     b. System in place for the protection of personal information in relevant country
      Please refer to the following URL for details:
      United States (Federal Law)https://www.ppc.go.jp/files/pdf/USA_report.pdf 

    5. Sending personal information to third parties

    We use services from the third parties described below in the provision of our services. Such third-party services require certain user-related information in order to function. In particular, cookies and similar technologies must be used to transmit information about users from their devices to servers owned by third-party service providers. The following information regarding third-party services currently in use has therefore been made available in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunications Business Act. For details regarding how third-party service providers use user-related information, please refer to the links provided in “Privacy policies, etc.”

    (Name of the third party)
    Information provided How this information is used Privacy policies, etc.
    (Google LLC)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., user IDs, browser types, and device OSes)
    – Information that identifies the location of the device viewing our content (e.g., IP addresses)
    To identify individuals and conduct investigation activities for support purposes https://business.safety.google/intl/ja/tba-jp/
    (IronSource Mobile Ltd.)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., user IDs, browser types, and device OSes)
    – Information that identifies the location of the device viewing our content (e.g., IP addresses)
    To deliver advertisements – Operation of advertisement networks
    – Operation of advertisement analysis platforms
    – Operation of advertisement quality platforms
    – Internal business functions
    – Compliance with laws, regulations, etc.
    (Tapjoy Limited)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., user IDs, browser types, and device OSes)
    – Information that identifies the location of the device viewing our content (e.g., IP addresses)
    To improve our services and advertisement delivery https://dev.tapjoy.com/en/legal/Privacy-Policy
    (Adjust GmbH)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., IDFAs, AAIDs, cookies, IP addresses, and User-Agent headers)
    – Information that identifies the location of the device viewing our content (e.g., IP addresses)
    Google Analytics for Firebase
    (Google LLC)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., cookie identifiers, device identifiers such as AAIDs and IDFAs, and client identifiers)
    – Information that identifies the location of the device viewing our content (e.g., IP addresses)
    (Unity Technologies)
    – Action history (e.g., anything relating to in-game error logs)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., user devices and OSes)
    To monitor in-game errors – Maintenance and service provision
    – Management operations
    – Customer service
    – Newsletter distribution and marketing activities
    – Social sharing services, including those for GitHub accounts, influencer programs, the Unity Affiliate Program, etc.
    – Security measures
    – Compliance with laws, regulations, etc.
    Google play game services
    (Google LLC)
    Action history (e.g., user in-game progress) To record and confirm the removal of in-game achievements for users on Android devices https://business.safety.google/intl/ja/tba-jp/
    (Sentry Corp.)
    – Action history (e.g., anything relating to in-game error logs)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., user devices and OSes)
    To monitor in-game errors – System management
    – Service provision/maintenance
    – Customer support
    – Usage monitoring and analysis
    – Illegal activity detection
    – Compliance with laws and regulations
    – Service improvement
    – Promotions, etc.
    (Google LLC)
    – Information that identifies the person or device viewing our content (e.g., user devices, OSes, and unique identifying IDs)
    -Action history (such as anything relating to in-game logs)
    To analyze game logs https://business.safety.google/intl/ja/tba-jp/

    6. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

    Should a user request that we notify them of the purpose of use of their personal information, that we disclose, correct, add to, remove from, suspend use of, delete, or cease to provide their personal information to third parties, upon confirming that the person in question is indeed the relevant user, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act and any other relevant laws or regulations, in addition to the procedures we have described.
    However, if a request does not meet the requirements set forth in the Personal Information Protection Act or other applicable laws and regulations, or if there are grounds for rejecting a request under the Personal Information Protection Act or other applicable laws and regulations, we may not be able to respond to the request.
    If you wish to request any of the above, please contact us using the contact form provided in section “7. Contact” below.

    7. Contact

    If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or inquiries regarding the handling of the personal information of users, please contact us using the contact form below.

    8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

    The contents of the Privacy Policy are subject to change.
    Except for cases in which we stipulate otherwise, the revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

    This English translation is provided for reference purposes only.
    If any discrepancies between the translated version of the Privacy Policy and the original Japanese text, the Japanese text shall take precedence.